Meet Sparky, formerly known as Guard Dog. Though he runs free now, Sparky was a tethered dog who lived for years at the end of a chain. He found solace in singing to his friend, the moon, and the time that the young neighborhood girl, Doozy, visited him. Despite the challenges he faced while chained, this sweet, resilient pup remains a loving and optimistic soul. 

Get to know Sparky with these strips featuring this beloved formerly chained pup!

Sparky, formerly known as Guard Dog, lives his life at the end of his chain but dreams of freedom and a life with the little neighborhood girl who treats him with such kindness.

April 11, 2004 MUTTS Comic Strip

He often expresses himself with his dear friend, the moon.

June 27, 2004 MUTTS Comic Strip

But the neighborhood girl, Doozy, is his dearest friend of all and shows him all the love that he so rightly deserves.

December 25, 2004 MUTTS Comic Strip

Despite the treatment he’s received, he remains sweet, trusting, and loving.

May 15, 2008 MUTTS Comic Strip

But he dreams of running free, straight into the arms of his Doozy.

December 24, 2020 MUTTS Comic Strip

And she dreams of him, too.

December 25, 2020 MUTTS Comic Strip

One day, his owner moves away, cruelly and carelessly leaving Guard Dog behind, still on his chain.

November 17, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

Doozy’s visits were once Guard Dog’s metaphorical lifeline, but on this visit, she was his literal lifeline.

November 24, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

She jumps into action, sending Earl to fetch Ozzie so she can stay at Guard Dog’s side.

November 28, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

Doozy, Ozzie, Mooch, and Earl rally together to rescue Guard Dog and finally free him of his chains.

November 30, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

After being unchained, he wakes up in the animal shelter … but someone special is waiting for him.

December 13, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

After a 7-day stray hold, Guard Dog is adopted and gets to go home with his Doozy, finally and officially hers.

December 14, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

With a new lease on life and a new home, Guard Dog finally receives his new name — Sparky.

December 15, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip

He once again greets his friend the moon, this time from inside his new home with his Doozy.

December 17, 2023 MUTTS Comic Strip


Learn more about Sparky’s plight and learn how you can help tethered dogs like him.

Comments (17)


Patrick & Dana Kraft

Sparky’s long journey to love and freedom still brings tears to my eyes. I would love to have his story put into book form, so it’s easy to return to over and over.
I start each and every day by feeding my birds outside, feeding my wee dog Merlin, and THEN reading the daily “Mutts”. I never tire of these wonderful characters’ adventures, and they always start my day out with a smile on my face.
Best wishes and please continue to advocate for the furry critters that so many of us treasure and share our lives with. ❤️

Kathryn Amiet

I wonder how many readers here know that “The Best Things in Life are Free” was the title of a popular song. My father used to sing it to me. It can be heard on YouTube, sung by Bing Crosby. Patrick, I am certain you know it. Thank you for the memory and for the memorable animal characters we love to follow!

Sheila Bernstein

Dear Patrick, I am so glad you finally freed Guard Dog, now known as Sparky. I love the homage to Charles Shultz. Just want to tell you that I find it amazing and perfect the way you convey a being’s emotional state with just a few lines or circles. “Mutts” is my favorite comic strip. I hope you keep drawing the adventures of the Mutts gang for a long time. I never tire of it.

Again, so glad Sparky has the perfect home with Doozy. I have emailed you in the past at least twice about freeing him from that horrid short chain. The answer was – someday. Glad it’s finally “someday” for Sparky.

Susan Urang

Dear Patrick, I cried all over again (for the tenth time) reading the beautiful love story of Guard Dog and Doozy. But we miss seeing him as an occasional character in our daily newspaper. Will he ever appear again?

Hope Page

December 19th is my birthday and I couldn’t have received a better gift than your comic of that day. Sparky finally getting the life he deserves. Well done!

Travis Smith

thank you, Patrick. There is nothing like rescuing an animal who needs you. My Gus sends purrs to Sparky.

Therry Neilsen